Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār’s Five Shorter Works: Experiments in Literature

annotated translation with glossaries

Lynn ATE

Collection : Collection Indologie

Collection's number: 140

Edition: EFEO, Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP)

Publication date: 2019

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 9782855392356

ISSN : 0073-8352

Width : 175 cm

Height : 245 cm

Weight : 0.95 kg

Number of pages : 442

Distributor : EFEO Pondichéry Contact : shanti@efeo-pondicherry.org

Geography : India

Language : English, Tamil

Place : Pondichéry

Support : Papier

Description :

Hardcover, IX+433 p.

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This book is a study of the five shorter works of Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār, an eighth-century Tamil poet who had retired from a military career in South India to pursue his interest in literature. For each work, the book provides the original Tamil in metric feet, transliteration indicating word boundaries, and an English translation as true to the original Tamil as possible, with numerous notations on grammar and textual highlights. The introduction treats the poet’s interest in developing his literary skills by emulating a variety of poetic devices, techniques, structures, and strategies of earlier Tamil texts. The material covers developments in Tamil prosody, a unique poetic scheme, and adaptation of several Tamil literary motifs. The book also includes an analytical glossary, as well as appendices highlighting the status of some Middle Tamil grammatical forms. The first appendix provides uninterrupted translations of the five works in an English style that attempts to approach the voice and tenor of the Āḻvār, while an appendix on prosody discusses a previously undocumented adaptation of a Tamil metrical unit.


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