The Holy Island in the Kāverī: a Hagiotopography

Critical Edition and Translation of the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya


Collection : Collection Indologie

Collection's number: 156

Editor: R. Sathyanarayanan, Czerniak-Drożdżowicz (Marzenna)

Edition: EFEO, Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP), Jagiellonian University in Krakow

Publication date: 2023

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 9782855392622

ISSN : 0073-8352

Width : 17.5 cm

Height : 24.5 cm

Weight : 0.44 kg

Number of pages : 230

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion, EFEO Pondichéry Contact :

Geography : India

Language : Sanskrit

Place : Pondichéry

Support : Papier

Description :

17,5 x 24,5 cm, 230 p., English, Sanskrit

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Mentioned already in the ancient Tamil epic the Cilappatikāram, Śrīraṅgam is a sacred site of preeminent status in South Indian religious geography. This book, the fruit of long collaboration between the two authors, presents a critical edition of the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya, a Sanskrit eulogy of this hallowed place, along with an English translation, the first translation into a European language. Its most important temple is dedicated to the self-manifest (svayaṃvyakta) form of Viṣṇu as Raṅganātha, lying upon his serpent bed on an island formed by the Kāverī and Koḷḷiḍam rivers. But the text relates that this was not always its location. It describes the vimāna, narrates how it came to be established on the island, and gives an account of the various sacred water-bodies in the vicinity, principal among which is the Candrapuṣkariṇī.

Table of contents

          Glorification of the Holy Island – Śrīraṅgamāhātmya
          Raṅganāthaswamy temple in Śrīraṅgam
          Temples and temple cult
          The river Kāverī
          The text of Śrīraṅgamāhātmya
          Date of the text
          Importance of Kṣetra, Tīrtha and Mūrti
          Brief summary of the text
          Sources for the critical edition
          Editorial policies
Sanskrit text of the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya
Chapter One
          The glory of the place of Śrīraṅga: a dialogue between Nārada and Maheśvara
Chapter Two
          Brahmā’s creation
          The sequence of creation (sṛṣṭikramaḥ)
Chapter Three
          The appearance of the Śrīraṅgavimāna
          Brahmā obtained a boon after satisfying Viṣṇu by his
          The glory of the Nārāyaṇāṣṭākṣaramantra
          Appearance of Śrīraṅga from the milky ocean
Chapter Four
          Brahmā’s vision of Viṣṇu being surrounded by groups of gods after he had entered the vimāna
          The hymn to Viṣṇu composed by Brahmā
Chapter Five
          The grace granted by Viṣṇu to Brahmā
Chapter Six
          The greatness of the twelve-syllable mantra (dvādaśākṣaramantra)
Chapter Seven
          The descent of the Śrīraṅgavimāna from Brahmā’s             world to the earth
Chapter Eight
          Dharmavarma’s penance to obtain the Raṅga’s abode
          Appearance of Śrīraṅgavimāna on the bank of Kāverī
Chapter Nine
          The festival conducted by Dharmavarman at Śrīraṅga
          Consolation of Vibhīṣaṇa done by Śrībhagavān
          The discussion of Gaṅgā and Kāverī about mutual              superiority
          The superiority of Kāverī over Gaṅgā due to the favour of Śrīraṅga[nātha]
          Respectful prostration to God’s feet by Vibhīṣaṇa
          Vibhīṣaṇa’s return to Laṅkā, after being consoled by the Lord
Chapter Ten
          The glory of the holy place of Raṅga
          Narration of gods and chief of gaṇas and others of              respective [sacred] ponds
          The fruit of listening to the Śrīraṅgamāhātmya
Chapter Eleven
          Explanation of the greatness of Śrīraṅga to                                    Sanatkumāra by Brahmā
          Printed Sources
          Translations and Studies
List of Figures


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