Send a manuscript

This document describes the publishing procedures current in the EFEO Publishing Department and is addressed to all authors wishing to submit a text for publication in one of its collections.

  • Prior request

Before sending a manuscript in any form whatsoever, the authors or editors will have made a prior request for publication to the EFEO Publications Committee.

This request can only be made once the manuscript has been fully completed. Similarly, the EFEO does not accept unedited PhD theses: only manuscripts prepared for publication in book form will be considered.

This prior request must include:

  1. the subject of the work;
  2. the collection aimed for;
  3. the general approach or methodology chosen;
  4. the approximate length of the text (number of characters including spaces) as well as the nature and number of figures;
  5. the status and qualifications of the author;
  6. the answer to the question: “Would you agree to your text being published in digital form?”
  7. a summary (with keywords) of the text in French and English; in the case of a collection of articles, a summary of each article (with keywords) in the language in which it was written;
  8. a full table of contents.

 Where appropriate, the application will indicate whether the work is eligible for a subsidy.


  • Submitting the manuscript

The decision to send the manuscript for review is made by the EFEO Publications Committee.

The final decision to publish the manuscript will be based entirely on this double-blind peer review.

If necessary, the Publishing Department may also send a technical evaluation to the author or editor, with a view to bringing the manuscript into line with editorial standards.


Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been simultaneously proposed elsewhere. The publishing department undertakes to examine the manuscript as soon as possible (approximately two months).

In the case of a manuscript proposed for the “Études thématiques” collection, the editor must have each of the articles evaluated beforehand and send these evaluations at the same time as the manuscript. The double-blind peer review requested later by the EFEO will concern the book in its entirety.

Permission to reproduce illustrations, maps, diagrams and long quotations from works published outside the EFEO must have been granted to the author; the author will enclose a copy of the authorisations with their application. The EFEO will not be responsible for requests for permission to reproduce.

It may happen that the cost of editing and printing is too high to be covered by the EFEO alone. In such cases, the author or editor may be asked to help find an external grant or co-publishing arrangement to support the project.


  • Review of the manuscript, decision to publish

Once the manuscript has been received, it is evaluated by both the Publications Committee and peers, in strict anonymity. To be accepted, the manuscript must receive at least two favourable opinions from peers as well as from the Publications Committee. Even a favourable assessment may be accompanied by a request for more or less substantial changes to the text. For an acceptance to be definitive, the author will therefore be asked to respond to the recommendations made and to ensure that a revised final manuscript is submitted within a reasonable timeframe.

There is no publishing deadline before the submission of this complete and final manuscript. If the author has not yet provided permission to reproduce copyrighted material, this must be done at this stage. Any missing elements will result in a delay in publication.

Once the manuscript has been accepted, a standard contract is proposed to the author or editor.


  • To whom should a query letter or manuscript be submitted?

Requests should be sent by e-mail to the EFEO Publications Committee, represented by the Publications Department, at the following address:

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