Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār’s Periya Tirumoḻi: Prayers of Place

Lynn ATE

Collection : Collection Indologie

Collection's number: 158

Edition: EFEO - Coéditions, Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP)

Publication date: 2024

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 9782855392929

ISSN : 0073-8352

Width : 17 cm

Height : 24 cm

Weight : 1.51 kg

Number of pages : 774

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion, EFEO Pondichéry Contact : shanti@efeo-pondicherry.org

Geography : India

Language : English, Tamil

Place : Pondichéry

Support : Papier

Description :

X+763 p., English, Tamil

ISBN EFEO : 9782855392929

ISBN IFP : 9788184702514

Collection Indologie n˚ 158

NETamil series n˚ 9

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Tirumaṅkai Āḻvār’s eighth-century magnum opus, the Periya Tirumoḻi, consists of 1084 quatrains of Tamil verse which focus predominantly on sacred sites devoted to the god Viṣṇu, depicting landscapes and temple towns with superb imagery, animation and almost tangible verisimilitude, affording the reader with the experience of a mental pilgrimage. This publication provides the full metrical Tamil text, a transliterated version indicating word boundaries, and an English translation that tightly adheres to the original as much as possible, but also endeavours to provide a pleasant poetic experience for the reader. Ample annotations offer insight into grammar, prosody, mythology, and religious content, with further details in appendices on grammatical and prosodic features, episodic content and on the sacred sites.

Table of contents

Abbreviations and symbols
The Translation, its Format, and Editions
        Periya Tirumoḻi First Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Second Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Third Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Fourth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Fifth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Sixth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Seventh Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Eighth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Ninth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Tenth Ten
        Periya Tirumoḻi Eleventh Ten
Appendix 1: Notes on Grammar and Prosody in the Periya Tirumoḻi
Appendix 2: Notes on Myths, Names, and Terms in the Periya Tirumoḻi
Appendix 3: Divya Deśam-s – Alphabetic
Appendix 4: Divya Deśam-s – Tirumoḻi order
Appendix 5: Meters of the Periya Tirumoḻi


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