The Sumatipañjikā

A Commentary on Cāndravyākaraṇavṛtti 1.1 and 1.4

Collection : Collection Indologie

Collection's number: 153

Editor: Ramhari Timalsina

Edition: EFEO, Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP)

Publication date: 2022

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 9782855392592

ISSN : 0073-8352

Width : 17 cm

Height : 24 cm

Weight : 0.8 kg

Number of pages : 444

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion, EFEO Pondichéry Contact :

Geography : India

Language : English, Sanskrit

Place : Pondichéry

Support : Papier

Description :

24x17, XX+424 p., English, Sanskrit, paperback

Collection Indologie n˚153

ISBN number (IFP) : 978 81 8470 245 3

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The history of Sanskrit grammar has largely been dominated by the work of Pāṇini and his followers, while the history and contributions of other Sanskrit grammatical schools remain under their shadow and are little known. The present work, a first critical edition of two extracts from the Sumatipañjikā (1.1 and 1.4), a commentary by the Buddhist author Sumati (10th cent.) on the grammatical work of Candragomin, founder of the eponymous Cāndra school of grammar, goes some way to filling in this gap. The text, presented in a critical edition followed by a diplomatic one, is based on three manuscripts (two from Nepal and one from Bengal) dating from between the 15th and 16th centuries and written in Newari script. The edition is prefaced by an introduction that discusses the history of the Cāndra school of Sanskrit grammar and considers how Cāndra grammar was kept alive in the regions of Nepal and Tibet, in dialogue with the Pāṇinian school.

Table of contents

Abbreviations and symbols
List of tables and figures
Part I
The Cāndra School of Sanskrit Grammar: History and Literature
1        Background
          1.1 The discovery of Cāndra school manuscripts
          1.2 Editions of Cāndravyākaraṇa texts
          1.3 Studies on the Cāndra tradition
                     1.3.1 Candragomin’s life and cultural milieu
                     1.3.2 The authorship of the Cāndravṛttī in relation to the Kāśikāvṛttī
                     1.3.3 The Cāndra tradition and texts
          1.4 Preamble
2        The Emergence and Development of the Cāndra Tradition
          2.1 Manuscripts of Cāndra texts
          2.2 Commentaries on the Cāndrasūtra
          2.3 The sub-commentaries on the Cāndravṛtti
                     2.3.1 The Śabdalakṣaṇavivaṇapañjikā of Pūrṇacandra
                     2.3.2 An unidentified commentary on the Cāndravṛtti
                     2.3.3 The Cāndravyākaraṇapañjikā of Ratnamati
                     2.3.4 Commentaries on Ratnamati’s Cāndravyākaraṇapañjikā
                     2.3.5 The Sumatipañjikā of Sumati
3        Sumati and the Sumatipañjikā
          3.1 Sumati : his date and place
          3.2 The text upon which Sumati commented
          3.3 Authors and works cited in the Sumatipañjikā
4        The Manuscripts of the Sumatipañjikā
          4.1 Manuscript A
          4.2 Manuscript B
          4.3 Manuscript C
          4.4 the origin and chronology of the manuscripts
5        Conclusion
Part II
A Critical Edition of the Sumatipañjikā
1        Introduction
          1.1 Annoted edition
          1.2 Diplomatic edition
2        Annoted Edition of the Sumatipañjikā (1.1 and 1.4)
3        Diplomatic Edition
          Appendix I. Sumatikīrtī’s literary activity
          Appendix II. Quotations from an unknown kāvya
          Appendix III. Quotations from Kośas
          Appendix IV. Quotations from various sources
          Appendix V. Sūtras from the vaidika and svara chapters of the Cāndravyākaraṇa
          Appendix VI. A fragment from an unknown grammatical text
          Commented Cāndra sūtras
          General index


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About the editor

Ramhari Timalsina

Ramhari Timalsina has taught linguistics at Tribhuvan Uni-versity (2004-2008) and Sanskrit grammar at Mahendra Sanskrit University (2009-2014). In 2014, after working as a researcher in the Nepalese-German Manuscript Catalo-guing Project (NGMCP) for a dozen years, he enrolled at Göttingen University for doctoral studies. Since 2018, he has been working at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities as a research associate.

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