
An Anthology of Poems Ascribed to Paṇḍitarāja Jagannātha

Collection : Collection Indologie

Collection's number: 163

Editor: KAFLE (Nirajan), Cahill (Timothy C.)

Edition: EFEO - Coéditions, Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP)

Publication date: 2025

Status : Check with the publisher


ISBN-13 : 9782855392974

ISSN : 0073-8352

Width : 17 cm

Height : 24 cm

Number of pages : 310

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion, EFEO Pondichéry Contact :

Geography : India, Asia, South Asia

Place : Pondichéry

Support : Papier

Description :

310 p., English, Sanskrit, paperback

ISBN EFEO : 9782855392974

ISBN IFP : 9788184702569

Collection Indologie n˚ 163

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The Paṇḍitarājaśataka is an anthology of Sanskrit poems composed by poets, both famous and unknown, from all over India. This first nāgarī edition includes dozens of poems never before published, as well as unique versions of well-known classics. The introduction provides a cogent argument about why the work was composed, showing how, by selection and alteration, specific poems were made to fit the anthologist’s overarching goal: to provide poets with a collection that will help them impress rulers and win patronage. The critical apparatus traces each poem’s origin and includes their variations down through history. Lovers of kāvya literature will be glad to add this translation of highly alliterative verses to their shelves.


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About the editor

KAFLE (Nirajan)

Nirajan Kafle is an Associate Professor at Ashoka University, Haryana. He defended his doctorate at Leiden University, where he joined the NWO project "From Universe of Visnu to Universe of Siva". He then held a research position in the ERC Śivadharma at the University of Naples. Previously, he was a researcher at the Pondicherry Centre of the EFEO and at the NGMCP in Kathmandu. His research interests include Śaivism, Vaiṣṇavism, Vedic literature, and kāvya.

Cahill (Timothy C.)

Timothy C. Cahill is an associate professor at Loyola University New Orleans (USA). He received his doctoral degree from the University of Pennsylvania and began his teaching career. His research interests include South Asian religions, Sanskrit kāvya literature and poetics (alaṃkāraśāstra). He has received funding from the American Institute of Indian Studies and the National Endowment for the Humanities for his research in kāvya and poetics.

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