Empires en marche

Rencontres entre la Chine et l’Occident à l’âge moderne (XVIe-XIXe siècles)

François LACHAUD, Dejanirah COUTO

Michela BUSSOTTI, Zoltán Biedermann, Rui Manuel LOUREIRO, Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, Jorge Santos Alves, Paola CALANCA, James K. Chin, George Bryan Souza, Roderich PTAK, Isabel Murta Pina, Rui Magone, Isabelle LANDRY-DERON, Pierre-Emmanuel Roux

Collection : Études thématiques

Collection's number: 28

Editor: Couto (Dejanirah), Lachaud (François)

Edition: EFEO

Publication date: 2017

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 9782855391489

ISSN : 1269-8067

Width : 18.5 cm

Height : 27.5 cm

Weight : 0.815 kg

Number of pages : 336

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion

Geography : China

Place : Paris

Support : Papier

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Empires on the Move is an attempt to explore real and imaginary encounters with China from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Articles mirror the wide variety of approaches of the Middle Kingdom and its ever-growing importance in the Western imagination. From the early days of merchants and missionaries to modern coastal defence policies, contributors to this volume examine diplomatic, scientific, commercial, politic, and artistic interactions between two major cultural ensembles – i.e. China and Western Europe. Each article is an attempt at understanding how discourses on China and, conversely, Chinese discourses on Europe, while positing the other as a cause for concern or, alternately, as an ideal civilizational model, contributed to expand our horizons of knowledge and durably shape our views on the world.

Table of contents

* La marche des empires. Rencontres et rendez-vous manqués entre la Chine et l’Occident, François Lachaud & Dejanirah Couto
* Imperial Reflections: China, Rome and the Spatial Logics of History in the Ásia of João de Barros, Zoltán Biedermann
* Iberian Impressions of the Manchu Conquest of China, Rui Manuel Loureiro
* Chinese Wisdom, Chinese Barbarity: Images of China in Europe 1580–1800, Ronnie Po-chia Hsia
* Raisonnables chevaux et ignobles brutes : Gulliver en Extrême-Orient, François Lachaud
* Clash or Understanding between Empires? The Strategic Vision of Hilário de Santa Rosa, Bishop of Macao (1739–1752), Jorge Santos Alves
* Les Européens dans les mers de Chine. Le rôle d’informateurs des Fujianais (xvie-xviiie siècles), Paola Calanca
* Hokkien Sangleys, Pirates and Mandarins: The Early Encounters between Ming China and Castilians in the Philippines, James K. Chin
* Connections and Economic Relationships: Portuguese Global and Intra-Asian Maritime Commerce and Qing China’s Economy, ca. 1771 – ca. 1842, George Bryan Souza
* Rethinking Exchange and Empires: From the Mediterranean Idea to Seventeenth-Century Macao and Fort Zeelandia, Roderich Ptak
* Getting Ready for the China Mission: The Language Training of the Macanese Jesuits (16th–17th Centuries), Isabel Murta Pina
* “God Is in the Details”: Manuel Dias’ Tianwenlüe [Epitome of Questions on the Heavens] and the Scientific Strategies of the Jesuit Mission to China in the Early Seventeenth Century, Rui Magone
* « Dessins » et « desseins » : techniques d’impression chez Matteo Ripa et édition impériale en Chine (xviiie siècle), Michela Bussotti
* « Le moyen d’apprendre en Europe des Chinois mêmes ce que c’est que la Chine. » L’impact des premières traductions du chinois publiées en France (xviie-xviiie siècles), Isabelle Landry-Deron
* Un empire en marche contre la secte des Européens ? La politique des Qing face au catholicisme dans la première moitié du xixe siècle, Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
Résumés / Abstracts
Auteurs / Authors

About the collection

Études thématiques

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About the editor

Lachaud (François)

François Lachaud is Professor of Japanese studies at the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO) since 2000. His interests include art history, Japanese Buddhism, and diplomatic and cultural exchanges in East Asia during the premodern and modern eras (17th–19th century). He is the author of La Jeune fille et la Mort (IHEJ, 2006), Le Vieil Homme qui vendait du thé (Cerf, 2010), and editor of several edited volumes: Légitimités, légitimations : la construction de l’autorité au Japon (EFEO, 2005); Distant Empires: Europe and Japan (16th–19th Centuries) (EFEO, 2010); Jizō, divinité japonaise (Talmart, 2012); and Empires on the Move: Encounters between China and the West in the Early Modern Era (16th–19th Centuries) (EFEO 2017). He has been involved in the organisation of several exhibitions, including Yôkai : bestiaire du fantastique japonais (Paris, MCJP, 2005), Destination Japon : sur les pas de Guimet et Claudel (Lyon, Muséum, 2005), Kiyochika: Master of the Night (Washington DC, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 2014), and Kunihiko Moriguchi : vers un ordre caché (Paris, MCJP, 2016).

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