Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient 109 (2023)

ISBN-13 : 9782855392134

ISSN : 0336-1519

Width : 18.5 cm

Height : 27.5 cm

Weight : 1.21 kg

Number of pages : 400

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion

Geography : Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Thailand

Language : French, English

Place : Paris

Support : Papier

Description :

Volume 109, 2023, 18,5 x 27,5 cm, 400 p. abstracts, illustrations, French, English, paperback

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Table of contents

In memoriam
François GROS (1933-2021),
Jean DELOCHE (1929-2019),
PAR Raphaël MALANGIN, Pierre-Yves MANGUIN & Nicolas SIMON
Gérard DIFFLOTH (1939-2023),
Nicolas SIMON
Muhlis HADRAWI, Campbell MACKNIGHT & Kathryn WELLEN
Une image du Buddha marchant et son inscription de 1375 apr. J.-C. conservées au musée national à Ayutthaya (Thaïlande) (François LAGIRARDE, Santi PAKDEEKHAM & Thissana WEERAKIETSOONTORN)

Le « Rapport sur le transfert en septembre 1944 de statues du Buddha et d’un piédestal de la commune d’Angkor Borei, district de Prey Kabbas, province de Takéo », de Kam Doum (Kâ̆m Dŭm) (traduit du khmer par Michel ANTELME & HIEP Chan Vicheth, présenté par Bertrand PORTE)

Une mise au point sur la constitution du corpus des estampages du Vietnam (EFEO, 1910-1944) (Philippe PAPIN)
Lecture critique
Les entrelacs de la transmission du Skandapurāṇa, le défi méthodologique du volume V de l’édition critique (Amandine WATTELIER-BRICOUT)
Comptes rendus
 Ernst STEINKELLNER, A Splash of the Logical Reason. Dharmakīrti’s Hetubindu Translated (Vincent ELTSCHINGER)

Margherita Serena SACCONE, On the Nature of Things. A Buddhist Debate on Cognitions and their Object. With a Manuscript Description by Paolo Giunta (Hugo DAVID)

Jesse Ross KNUTSON, Into the Twilight of Sanskrit Court Poetry. The Sena Salon of Bengal and Beyond (Luther OBROCK)

Gil BEN-HERUT, Śiva’s Saints. The Origins of Devotion in Kannada according to Harihara’s Ragaḷegaḷu (Florinda DE SIMINI)

Monika HORSTMANN & Dalpat Singh RAJPUROHIT, In the Shrine of the Heart. Sants of Rajasthan from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (David N. LORENZEN)

Annick FENET, Le musée Guimet et ses Amis. Cent ans d’histoire partagée (Cristina CRAMEROTTI)

CHEN Tsung-jen, Selden Map yu Dongxiyang Tangren: dili zhishi yu shijie jingxiang de tansuo (1500–1620) (Roderich PTAK)

Jacopo SCARIN, The Tongbai Palace and Its Daoist Communities. A History (Marianne BUJARD)

Richard G. WANG, Lineages Embedded in Temple Networks. Daoism and Local Society in Ming China (Jan DE MEYER)

Julia K. MURRAY, The Aura of Confucius. Relics and Representations of the Sage at the Kongzhai Shrine in Shanghai (Hans VAN ESS)

LIU Zhiji, A Thorough Exploration in Historiography / Shitong, translated and introduced by Victor Cunrui XIONG (Damien CHAUSSENDE)

Jean LEVI, Les Assassins de Confucius. De quelques tendances récentes de la sinologie (Béatrice L’HARIDON)

Stéphanie HOMOLA, The Art of Fate Calculation. Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng (Radu BIKIR)

CHENG Hsiao-wen, Divine, Demonic, and Disordered. Women without Men in Song Dynasty China (Brigitte BAPTANDIER)

Pietro DE LAURENTIS, Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China. A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters (Costantino MORETTI)

Albert KÖNIG & Hartmut WALRAVENS, Papageien am chinesischen Kaiserhof und ihre Darstellung in Japan und Europa. Bilder und Beschreibungen eines kaiserlichen Vogelbuchs von 1761 im Kontext der Kulturgeschichte (Roderich PTAK)

David JOHNSON, The Stage in the Temple. Ritual Opera in Village Shanxi (Regina LLAMAS)

Vincent GOOSSAERT, Heavenly Masters. Two Thousand Years of the Daoist State (Mark MEULENBELD)

Alexis LYCAS, Les Man du fleuve Bleu. La fabrique d’un peuple dans la Chine impériale (Christian LAMOUROUX)

About the collection

Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (BEFEO)

The BEFEO is an annual journal of general Asian studies; it accepts feature articles, dossiers, chronicles, and book reviews in all disciplines: archaeology, anthropology, economic and social history, history of religions, philology, studies of material culture, etc.
The Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (BEFEO) is available online, via the Persée portal and JSTOR.

The Editors
The editorial team of the BEFEO comprises a Chief Editor, an Editorial Board based in Paris, and an international Scientific Committee.

Articles submitted to the BEFEO are refereed by the members of the Editorial Board, the Scientific Committee or by external referees. The decision to publish is taken after deliberation by Editorial Board members.

How to submit an article
Articles submitted to the BEFEO and all correspondence with the Chief Editor should be sent to the following email address:

On more details on how to submit an article, please download: Soumission d'un article au BEFEO[PDF 168 Ko].
Authors writing in French should follow the style sheet available for download:
Feuille de style BEFEO [PDF 98 Ko].
Authors writing in English should follow the style sheet available for download : BEFEO Style sheet [PDF 2,6 Mo].

Editorial office of the BEFEO
All correspondence regarding lay-out, proofs and offprints should be sent to:

EFEO Éditions, 22 av. du Président Wilson, 75116 PARIS


Distribution of the BEFEO
Pierre Harry
EFEO Diffusion, 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 PARIS
Tél. +33 1 53 70 18 37 / Fax +33 1 53 70 18 38


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