Arts Asiatiques 63 (2008)

Karine Ladrech, Michela BUSSOTTI, Stephen F. TEISER, Alain ARRAULT, Rachel LOIZEAU, Martin POLKINGHORNE, Éric LEFEBVRE, Peter SKILLING, Himanshu PRABHA RAY, Marijke KLOKKE

Collection : Arts Asiatiques

Collection's number: 63

Edition: EFEO, Musée Guimet

Publication date: 2008

Status : Available


ISBN-13 : 978-2-85539-008-6

ISSN : 0004-3958

Width : 22 cm

Height : 27 cm

Weight : 0,9 kg

Number of pages : 180

Distributor : EFEO Diffusion

Geography : Indonesia, India, Asia, China, Burma (Myanmar)

Language : French, English

Place : Paris

Support : Papier

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Table of contents

* Karine Ladrech et Rachel Loizeau
Deux figures oubliées de l’art hoysaḷa
* Martin Polkinghorne
Khmer decorative lintels and the allocation of artistic labour
* Alain Arrault et Michela Bussotti
Statuettes religieuses et certificats de consécration en Chine du Sud (XVIIe-XXe siècle)
* Éric Lefebvre
L'"Image des antiquités accumulées” de Ruan Yuan. La représentation d’une collection privée en Chine à l’époque pré-moderne

Activités du musée national des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet

Activités du musée Cernuschi

Conférences Iéna
* Peter Skiling
New discoveries from South India: The life of the Buddha at Phanigiri, Andhra Pradesh
* Himanshu Prabha Ray
Providing for the Buddha: Monastic Centres in Eastern India
* Stephen F. Teiser
The Wheel of Rebirth in Buddhist Temples
* Marijke Klokke
The Buddhist temples of the Śailendra dynasty in Central Java

Comptes rendus
* Bruno Dagens
Adam Hardy, The Temple Architecture of India
* Vincent Lefèvre
Gautam Sengupta, Sima Roy Chowdhury et Sharmi Chakraborty, Eloquent Earth, Early Terracottas in the State Archaeological Museum, West Bengal
* Vincent Lefèvre
Perween Hasan, Sultans and Mosques, The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh
* Vincent Lefèvre
Dietrich Seckel, Before and Beyond the Image, Aniconic Symbolism in Buddhist Art et Das Porträt in Ostasien – Band 2, Teil II: Porträt-Gestaltung
* Lucie Rault
Yves Lenoir & Nicolas Standaert (éds), Les danses rituelles chinoises d’après Joseph-Marie Amiot. Aux sources de l’ethnochorégraphie
* François Lachaud
Michèle Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens, Giuseppe Castiglione : 1686-1766. Peintre et architecte à la cour de Chine
* Burglind Jungmann
Yun Yong-I, Korean Art from the Gompertz and Other Collections in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, A Complete Catalogue

About the collection

Arts Asiatiques

Founded in 1924 under the title Revue des Arts Asiatiques, the journal was placed under the directorship of Jean Filliozat, a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and director of the Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), in 1959. Since 1962 Arts Asiatiques has been published by the EFEO, in association with the Guimet and Cernuschi Museums and with the financial support of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

From the outset, Arts Asiatiques was conceived as bridging the worlds of academia and the museum. Today, Arts Asiatiques remains one of the rare periodicals devoted to Asian art and archaeology from a rigorously scholarly perspective. Its ambition is to publish all fields of original scholarship and technical expertise and to explore the full range of primary sources useful to the comprehensive analysis of works of art, from their fabrication and transmission to their iconographic impact: archaeology, history of art and religions, social history, anthropology, material culture, architecture, conservation, textual and documentary sources including inscriptions on various media.

The Editors

The editorial team of Arts Asiatiques comprises the Editor-in-Chief, an Editorial Board based in Paris, and an international Advisory Board. See the list of members

Editorial Office
Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet
6, place d'Iéna
75116 PARIS

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