The catalog of EFEO Publications includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan.
These publications address both specialists, and a wider public interested in Asian civilizations and societies.
Collection : Arts Asiatiques
Collection's number: 58
Edition: EFEO, Musée Guimet
Publication date: 2003
Status : Available
30,00 €
ISBN-13 : 978-2-85539-628-6
ISSN : 0004-3958
Width : 22 cm
Height : 27 cm
Weight : 0,96 kg
Number of pages : 199
Distributor : EFEO Diffusion
Geography : Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Asia, China, Bangladesh
Language : French, English
Place : Paris
Support : Papier
* Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
The Dates and Styles of Uygur Manichaean Art. A New Radiocarbon Date and its Implication for the Study of Est Central Asian Art / La datation de l'art uygur manichéen de style " persan " et chinois : Apport d'une nouvelle datation au C14 à l'histoire de l'art de l'Asie centrale
* Anne-Claire Juramie
L'iconographie du temple royal de Cangu Narayana (vallée de Kathmandu) / The Iconography of the Royal Temple of Cangu Narayana (Kathmandu Valley)
* Sandrine Gill, Jean-Yves Breuil, Dominique Allios, Valérie Serson
Mahāsthāngarh (Bangladesh) aux IIe-IIIe s. ap. J.-C. : céramiques estampées de signes de bon augure / Mahasthangarh (Bangladesh) in 2nd and 3rd c. AD : Ceramics Stamped with Auspicious Signs
* Alain Thote
Du message à l'image : le décor des bronzes Shang et Zhou, XVe-IIIe s. av. J.-C. / The Dynamics of Visual Representation in the Shang and Zhou Bronze Decoration (15th to 3rd century BC)
* Oliver Moore
Violence Un-scrolled : Cultic and Ritual Emphases in Painting Guan Yu / La violence dévoilée : aspects cultuels et rituels de la représentation de Guan Yup
* Une monture impériale de la dynastie Qing (Camille Schmitt)
* Note sur un portrait moghol de la reine Anne de Danemark conservé au musée Guimet (Amina Okada)
* Narrating the Deaths of Drona and Bhurisravas at the Baphuon (Boreth Ly)
* Les collections archéologiques du Viet-nam du musée Cernuschi (Vincent Lefèvre)
* Le cheval sans cavalier dans l'art funéraire sogdien en Chine : à la recherche des sources d'un thème composite (Pénélope Riboud)
* La reconquête de l'est iranien par l'empire sassanide au VIe s. d'après les sources " iraniennes " (Rika Gyselen)
* Le piédestal de Van Trac Hoa :un bali-pitha d'un type inédit. Note concernant l'iconographie des dikpala au Champa (Pierre Baptiste)
Comptes rendus
* Claudine Bautze-Picron
Adalbert J. Gail, Sonnenkult in Indien, Tempel und Skulpture von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
* Pierre-Yves Manguin
Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h, The Malay Peninsula : Crossroads of the Maritime Silk Road (100 BC-1300 AD)
* Anne Chayet
Knud Larsen & Amund Sinding-Larsen, The Lhasa Atlas. Traditional Tibetan Architecture and Townscape
* Françoise Pommaret
Ruth and Blyth Carpenter, The Blessings of Bhutan
* Danielle Elisseeff
Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens (ed.) et al., L'arte per la vita nell'Aldilà. Capolavori di arte antica cinese della collezione Meidaozhai
* Rémy Mathieu
Richard E. Strassberg, A Chinese Bestiary. Strange Creatures from the hanhai jing, Guideways through Mountains and Seas
* Richard Schneider
Uta Lauer, A Master of his Own - The Calligraphy of the Chan Abbot Zhongfeng Mingben (1262-1323)
* Anne Kerlan-Stephens
Jonathan Hay, Shitao, Painting and Modernity in Early Qing China
* Françoise Wang
Angela Falco Howard, Summit of Treasures. Buddhist Cave Art of Dazu, China
* Alexandra Wetzel
The Polychromy of Antique Sculptures and the Terracotta Army of the First Chinese Emperor. Studies of Materials, Techniques and Conservation
* Chantal Kozyreff
Ann Yonemura et al., Masterful Illusions. Japanese prints in the Anne van Biema Collection
* Vĕra Linhartova
Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere (ed.), Kazari. Decoration and Display in Japan, 15th-19th Centuries
* Michael Lucken
Gennifer Weisenfeld, MAVO : Japanese Artists and the Avant-garde 1905-1931
Founded in 1924 under the title Revue des Arts Asiatiques, the journal was placed under the directorship of Jean Filliozat, a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and director of the Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), in 1959. Since 1962 Arts Asiatiques has been published by the EFEO, in association with the Guimet and Cernuschi Museums and with the financial support of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
From the outset, Arts Asiatiques was conceived as bridging the worlds of academia and the museum. Today, Arts Asiatiques remains one of the rare periodicals devoted to Asian art and archaeology from a rigorously scholarly perspective. Its ambition is to publish all fields of original scholarship and technical expertise and to explore the full range of primary sources useful to the comprehensive analysis of works of art, from their fabrication and transmission to their iconographic impact: archaeology, history of art and religions, social history, anthropology, material culture, architecture, conservation, textual and documentary sources including inscriptions on various media.
The Editors
The editorial team of Arts Asiatiques comprises the Editor-in-Chief, an Editorial Board based in Paris, and an international Advisory Board. See the list of members
Editorial Office
Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet
6, place d'Iéna
75116 PARIS
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