About - Christophe MARQUET

Christophe Marquet is director of the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO) since 2018 where he is also Professor of Japanese Studies. His field of research includes both art history and the history of the book in premodern and modern Japan (17th–19th century). He is the editor of Du pinceau à la typographie. Regards japonais sur l’écriture et le livre (EFEO, 2006; Japanese edition 2010), and Présences occidentales au Japon. Du « siècle chrétien » à la réouverture du XIXe siècle (Éd. du Cerf, 2011). He has translated and edited dozens of albums and painting manuals by Edo-period artists from the collections of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art, including L’almanach des maisons vertes by Utamaro and Ikku (INHA, Picquier, 2008) and Dessins abrégés de Keisai (INHA, Picquier, 2011). He is the author of Ōtsu-e. Imagerie populaire du Japon (Picquier, 2015; Japanese edition 2016).