Le catalogue des Éditions de l'EFEO, riche d'environ 900 titres, propose des publications portant sur l'Asie, depuis l'Inde jusqu'au Japon, et couvrant un large spectre disciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales (archéologie, histoire, anthropologie, littératures, philologie, etc.).
Ces publications, si elles s'adressent d'abord à la communauté scientifique, intéressent également un public attiré par les civilisations et sociétés d'Asie.

À propos - LUI Wing Sing

Lui Wing Sing 呂永昇 received his doctoral degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is Lecturer in the Office of University General Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has published on Chinese festivals and popular religion. His major publications include: “Bei Song senglü yu Zijiang liuyu de kaifa: Song Xining nianjian Xiangzhong ‘kai Meishan’ de lishi kaocha” 北宋僧侶與資江流域的開發—宋熙寧年間湘中「開梅山」的歷史考察 (Buddhist Monks in the Northern Song and the Development of the Zijiang River Basin: A Historical Perspective, 2013), “Xiangzhong ‘Meishan pai’ de daofa yuanyuan ji qi yanbian: Yi Xinhua xian wei li” 湘中「梅山派」的道法淵源及其演變—以新化縣為例 (The Interrelation between Dao-Fa and the Meishan Daoism in the Central Hunan: A Case Study of Xinhua County, 2014), and with Li Xinwu 李新吾, “Jiazhu” yu “dizhu”: Xiangzhong xiangcun de daojiao yishi yu keyi「 家主」與「地主」—湘中鄉村的道教儀式 與科儀 (“Master of the Family” and “Master of the Place”: Taoist Rituals and Rites in the Villages of Central Hunan, 2015).