Le catalogue des Éditions de l'EFEO, riche d'environ 900 titres, propose des publications portant sur l'Asie, depuis l'Inde jusqu'au Japon, et couvrant un large spectre disciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales (archéologie, histoire, anthropologie, littératures, philologie, etc.).
Ces publications, si elles s'adressent d'abord à la communauté scientifique, intéressent également un public attiré par les civilisations et sociétés d'Asie.

À propos - Gilles BOILEAU

Gilles Boileau is full professor at Tamkang University (Taiwan), department of French language and civilization. As a researcher, he works principally on the field of archaic China rituals, especially sacrifices, gift-giving ceremonies, and their relationship to the political frame of Shang and Zhou China. He also con- ducted research in the domain of French science-fiction centered on two authors, Houellebecq and Dantec, and the religious themes in some of their novels. Con- cerning sinology, he published several articles in the journals Early China (1999), Bulletin of the the School of Oriental and African Studies (2002), Zhongguo wenhua 中國 文化 (2004), Asiatische Studien /Études asiatiques (2006), Daoism: Religion, History and Society (2013), and Études Chinoises (2016). His monography Politique et rituel dans la Chine ancienne [Politics and ritual in archaic China] has been published in 2013 by the Collège de France, Institut des hautes études chinoises.