About - Gilles BOILEAU

Gilles Boileau is full professor at Tamkang University (Taiwan), department of French language and civilization. As a researcher, he works principally on the field of archaic China rituals, especially sacrifices, gift-giving ceremonies, and their relationship to the political frame of Shang and Zhou China. He also con- ducted research in the domain of French science-fiction centered on two authors, Houellebecq and Dantec, and the religious themes in some of their novels. Con- cerning sinology, he published several articles in the journals Early China (1999), Bulletin of the the School of Oriental and African Studies (2002), Zhongguo wenhua 中國 文化 (2004), Asiatische Studien /Études asiatiques (2006), Daoism: Religion, History and Society (2013), and Études Chinoises (2016). His monography Politique et rituel dans la Chine ancienne [Politics and ritual in archaic China] has been published in 2013 by the Collège de France, Institut des hautes études chinoises.