The catalog of EFEO Publications includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan.
These publications address both specialists, and a wider public interested in Asian civilizations and societies.
Collection : Arts Asiatiques
Collection's number: 67
Edition: EFEO, Musée Guimet
Publication date: 2012
Status : Available
40,00 €
ISBN-13 : 978-2-85539-157-1
ISSN : 0004-3958
Width : 22 cm
Height : 27 cm
Weight : 0,95 kg
Number of pages : 188
Distributor : EFEO Diffusion
Geography : Indonesia, India, Asia, China, Japan
Language : French, Japanese
Place : Paris
Support : Papier
* Doria TICHIT, Le programme iconographique du temple d'Udayeśvara à Udayapur, Madhya Pradesh, XIe siècle
* Susan ERICKSON, Ways of Facing the Dead in Ancient China
* Eileen HAU-LING LAM, The Possible Origins of the Jade Stem Beaker in China
* Diane ZHANG-GOLDBERG, Singularités architecturales du cimetière impérial des Xixia : le monument funéraire
* Birgitta AUGUSTIN, Modern Views on Old Histories: Zhang Yu's and Huang Gongwang's Encounter with Qian Xuan Dossier Peinture chinoise
* Cédric LAURENT, En contemplant la cascade : essai d'interprétation autour des collections du musée Cernuschi
* Shelagh VAINKER, Fu Baoshi in Chongqing: Some Paintings in European Collections
* Michaela PEJCOCHOVA, The Formation of the Collection of 20th-Century Chinese Painting in the National Gallery in Prague-Friendly Relations with Faraway China in the 1950s and Early 1960s
* PENG Jinzhang : Les fouilles archéologiques du secteur nord de Mogao
Activités des musées Musée Guimet Musée Cernuschi
* Emmanuel SIRON, Note sur la date du Candi Merak et la technique du double parement à Java
* Yayoi KAWAMURA et Letizia ARBETETA MIRA, Un service à café : présence du laque japonais à la cour de Louis XIV
* François LACHAUD, Ils firent les dieux à leur image : nouvelles recherches sur les Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde
Comptes rendus
Founded in 1924 under the title Revue des Arts Asiatiques, the journal was placed under the directorship of Jean Filliozat, a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and director of the Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), in 1959. Since 1962 Arts Asiatiques has been published by the EFEO, in association with the Guimet and Cernuschi Museums and with the financial support of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
From the outset, Arts Asiatiques was conceived as bridging the worlds of academia and the museum. Today, Arts Asiatiques remains one of the rare periodicals devoted to Asian art and archaeology from a rigorously scholarly perspective. Its ambition is to publish all fields of original scholarship and technical expertise and to explore the full range of primary sources useful to the comprehensive analysis of works of art, from their fabrication and transmission to their iconographic impact: archaeology, history of art and religions, social history, anthropology, material culture, architecture, conservation, textual and documentary sources including inscriptions on various media.
The Editors
The editorial team of Arts Asiatiques comprises the Editor-in-Chief, an Editorial Board based in Paris, and an international Advisory Board. See the list of members
Editorial Office
Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet
6, place d'Iéna
75116 PARIS
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