The catalog of EFEO Publications includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan.
These publications address both specialists, and a wider public interested in Asian civilizations and societies.
Collection : Arts Asiatiques
Collection's number: 53
Edition: EFEO, Musée Guimet
Publication date: 1998
Status : Available
28,00 €
ISBN-13 : 978-2-85539-835-8
ISSN : 0004-3958
Width : 22 cm
Height : 27 cm
Weight : 0,66 kg
Number of pages : 137
Distributor : EFEO Diffusion
Geography : Cambodia, Asia, China, Japan, Tadjikistan , Afghanistan, Uzbekistan
Language : French
Place : Paris
Support : Papier
* Frantz Grenet, Boris Marshak, Le mythe de Nana dans l'art de la Sogdiane
* Xavier Tremblay, L'étymologie et le sens du théonyme Txs'yc (note additionnelle à l'article précédent)
* Madeleine Giteau, Note sur les peintures de quelques monastères khmers
* Georges Métailié, A propos de quelques manuscrits chinois de plantes
* Michel Maucuer, Bronzes chinois antiques et archaïsants dans la collection Cernuschi Planches en couleurs
Activités du musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet
Activités du musée Cernuschi
In Memoriam
Denys Lombard (1938-1998) (Georges Dumarçay et Bruno Dagens)
* La disparition des fresques de Vat Chen Dâm Dek à Phnom Penh (Michel Blanchard)
* Autour du Fojiao chuchuan nanfang zhi lu wenwu tulu (Kuo Liying)
* À propos des Maitreya pensifs du musée Guimet (Léon Vandermeersch)
* La tombe Kitora. Un planisphère céleste dans le Japon antique (François Berthier)
Comptes rendus
* Paul Bernard,
Frédérique Beaupertuis-Bressand, L'or bleu de Samarkand. The Blue Gold of Samarkand
* Bruno Dagens
Doris Meth Srinivasan, Many Heads, Arms and Eyes - Origins, Meaning and Form of Multiplicity in Indian Art
* Jean-François Salles
Vimala Begley éd., The Ancient Port of Arikamedu. New Excavations and Researches 1989-1992 Volume One
* Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens
Charles Higham, The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia
* Anne Chayet
Roger Goepper, Jaroslav Poncar, Alchi. Ladakh's Hidden Buddhist Sanctuary. The Sumtsek
* Anne Chayet
David Jackson, A History of Tibetan Painting. The Great Tibetan Painters and Their Traditions
* Anne Chayet
Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, Tabo, a Lamp for the Kingdom. Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya
* Alain Thote
Wu Hung, Monumentality in Early Chinese Art and Architecture
* Alain Thote
Margarete Prüch, Die Lacke der Westlichen Han-Zeit (206 v. - 6 n. Chr.) Bestand und Analyse
* Isabelle Thireau
Wue Roberta, Waley-Cohen Joanna, K. Lai, Picturing Hong-Kong : Photography 1855-1910
Founded in 1924 under the title Revue des Arts Asiatiques, the journal was placed under the directorship of Jean Filliozat, a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and director of the Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), in 1959. Since 1962 Arts Asiatiques has been published by the EFEO, in association with the Guimet and Cernuschi Museums and with the financial support of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
From the outset, Arts Asiatiques was conceived as bridging the worlds of academia and the museum. Today, Arts Asiatiques remains one of the rare periodicals devoted to Asian art and archaeology from a rigorously scholarly perspective. Its ambition is to publish all fields of original scholarship and technical expertise and to explore the full range of primary sources useful to the comprehensive analysis of works of art, from their fabrication and transmission to their iconographic impact: archaeology, history of art and religions, social history, anthropology, material culture, architecture, conservation, textual and documentary sources including inscriptions on various media.
The Editors
The editorial team of Arts Asiatiques comprises the Editor-in-Chief, an Editorial Board based in Paris, and an international Advisory Board. See the list of members
Editorial Office
Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet
6, place d'Iéna
75116 PARIS
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