Le catalogue des Éditions de l'EFEO, riche d'environ 900 titres, propose des publications portant sur l'Asie, depuis l'Inde jusqu'au Japon, et couvrant un large spectre disciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales (archéologie, histoire, anthropologie, littératures, philologie, etc.).
Ces publications, si elles s'adressent d'abord à la communauté scientifique, intéressent également un public attiré par les civilisations et sociétés d'Asie.

À propos - Deviprasad MISHRA

Deviprasad Mishra joined the IFP in September 1999, where he has been cataloguing the IFP’s collection of predominantly Śaiva manuscripts, recognised as a “Memory of the World” collection by UNESCO in 2005. He took his doctorate in 2004 and published his doctoral work in 2011, namely a critical edition of the previously unpublished commentaries of Madhusūdana and Vaidyanātha on the Sūryaśataka, a century of Sanskrit stanzas in praise of the sun by the poet Mayūra. In 2015, he was honoured by the Government of India with the Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman for his contribution as a young scholar to Sanskrit studies.