Le catalogue des Éditions de l'EFEO, riche d'environ 900 titres, propose des publications portant sur l'Asie, depuis l'Inde jusqu'au Japon, et couvrant un large spectre disciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales (archéologie, histoire, anthropologie, littératures, philologie, etc.).
Ces publications, si elles s'adressent d'abord à la communauté scientifique, intéressent également un public attiré par les civilisations et sociétés d'Asie.

À propos - Lowell SKAR

Lowell Skar

Graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, he is completing a dissertation on the formation of the so-called "Southern Lineage of the Golden Elixir" from the legacy of Bai Yuchan (1 194-ca. 1227), placing the early phases of this movement in a context of social and religious change during the Song- Yuan period. He conducted research in Paris (1990-1991), Kyoto (1991-1993), and Cambridge (1993-1995). He co-edited the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the History of East Asian Science (Kyoto, August 1993), with Prof. Hashimoto Keizô and Dr. Catherine Jami, published as Chinese Science: Tradition and Beyond (Osaka: Kansai University Press, 1995). His research interests include the religious, alchemical, and medical traditions of imperial Chinese society.