About - IWAO Kazushi

Iwao Kazushi 岩尾一史 is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at Ryukoku University, Kyoto. He completed his PhD on the history of the Old Tibetan Empire at Kyoto University in 2004. His research focuses on the structure of the Old Tibetan Empire including the military and administrative systems, and taxation. He has also studied Old Tibetan inscriptions from the pillar inscriptions in Central Tibet to graffiti in the Dunhuang caves. He is currently editor-in-chief of Old Tibetan Documents Online (https://otdo.aa-ken.jp), the Old Tibetan language’s most well-known text database. He recently edited two volumes of Chibetto no rekishi to shakai チベットの歴史と社会 [History and Society of Tibet] (coedited with Ikeda Takumi; Rinsen Shoten, 2021), to which many Japanese Tibetologists contributed.