Ōhashi Yukihiro 大橋幸泰 is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences at Waseda University. He specializes in the social history of early modern Japan. His research focuses on underground religious movements such as Hidden Christianity or Covert Shin Buddhism. He is the author of Senpuku kirishitan: Edo jidai no kinkyō seisaku to minshū 潜伏キリシタン:江戸時代の禁教政策と 民衆 [Hidden Christians: The Edo-Period Ban on Christianity and the People] (Kōdansha, 2014, repr. 2019). He is the editor of a multi-author volume on the history of Japanese Christianity between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries titled Kinsei Nihon no kirishitan to ibunka kōryū 近世日本のキリシタンと異文化交流 [Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Early Modern Japanese Christianity] (Benseisha, 2023).