The catalog of EFEO Publications includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan.
These publications address both specialists, and a wider public interested in Asian civilizations and societies.
Michel Mohr
Ph.D., University of Geneva. His book, Traité sur l'Inépuisable Lampe de l'Ecole Zen — Tôrei et sa vision de l'éveil, will soon be published in Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques. Currently a visiting scholar at the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono University (Kyoto), he is engaged in further research on Buddhist reforms during the Tokugawa period, including the Sôtô school. He is also the author of Hakuin ou le troisième souffle de l'Ecole Zen (1982).