
The catalog of EFEO Publications, running to some 600 titles, includes works on a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, etc.), centered on Asia, from India to Japan. Our publications are for the scientific community, but also spark an interest with a larger public, interested by Asia's civilizations and societies.

Several collections have been created to reflect the diverse fields of reaserch led by the EFEO and its scientific partners, as well as their groundfield works in Asia:

  • "Monographies" (Monographs)
  • "Études thématiques" (Thematic Studies), results of collaborative research projects, conference proceedings, collections, etc.
  • "Mémoires archéologiques" (Archaeological Reports), works covering archaeology and the history of art and architecture
  • "Textes et documents sur l'Indochine" (Indochinese Texts and Documents), a series of original texts (epigraphic, literary, etc.) from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
  • "Réimpressions" (Reprints), facsimiles or republications of standard works or articles from EFEO series that are out of print.

Other collections, published by the different EFEO's Centers in Asia complete this set of works, as well as occasional publications, such as works of reference and dictionaries.

The EFEO in addition publishes five scholarly journals on an annual or twice-yearly basis: